“Time Tub, Time Tub. Take us to the past,

Zoom through history, Very very fast…”

Welcome to Time Tub Travellers, join Zula and Milo and their adventures in Black British History

Welcome to Time Tub Travellers, join Zula and Milo and their adventures in Black British History ✻

When Zula’s aunt's antique bath tub turns out to be a Time Machine she and her best friend Milo find themselves trapped in 400 years in the past.  Excited at the chance to show her history teacher there are Black people in Britain’s past, she pulls Milo deeper and deeper into the dangerous world of Tudor London on the trail of a mysterious silk thief.

Can Zula prove her teacher wrong and get herself and Milo safely back to their own time? 

Meet the Time Tub Travellers


Meet Zula. She’s adventurous, loves maths and hates boats.

“As Zula turned into a side street she almost tripped. She was a good runner but her long skirts kept getting in her way. Which was very strange because she didn’t own any long skirts and when she’d climbed into the bath in Aunt Abina’s storeroom, she’d definitely been wearing jeans…”

from Time Tube Travellers and the Silk Thief, Chapter 4


Meet Milo. He’s funny, loves snacks and absolutely hates snakes.

“Milo looked alarmed. “I didn’t do anything! Why is it broken? How will we get home if it’s broken? Do we need to find another time machine? Why would there be another time machine….” he took another large gulp of lemonade and tried to slow his breathing.”

from Time Tube Travellers and the Silk Thief, Chapter 4

What kids are saying about Time Tub Travellers…

'I was on the edge of my seat' - Sreya, age 10

'It was fun interesting and exciting' - Lucas, age 7

'It made me want to read more' - Aaliyah, age 9

'Amazing, interesting and surprising' - Ishaq, age 9

'I learned about Tudor life' - Isobel, age 10

'Great characters and a gripping plot' - Adam, age 11

'An inspiring adventure through history and time’ - Hunter, age 8

“Time tub, time tub take us to the past,

Let’s zoom through history very, very fast.

Release your golden energy, let the time river flow,

The year 1589 is where we want to go.”

This is no ordinary Victorian bathtub - it’s a time machine, a ‘time tub’. Nobody knows where it comes from or exactly how it works, but when a time poem activates the strange symbol on the tub it will take you into the past.

Does the time tub have a mind of its own? It likes to set it’s time travellers a mission and is very interested in Black British figures from the past….

About the author

Claire works in marketing by day and writes children’s books in the gaps between working, parenting and exercising in aerial hoops. She lives in East London with her son, partner and an increasingly large collection of books.

Having only begun to embrace her dual British and Nigerian heritage as an adult she is passionate about stories that bring Black British History to life for kids. 

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