Meet the Time Tub Travellers


Meet Zula. She’s adventurous, loves maths and hates boats.

“As Zula turned into a side street she almost tripped. She was a good runner but her long skirts kept getting in her way. Which was very strange because she didn’t own any long skirts and when she’d climbed into the bath in Aunt Abina’s storeroom, she’d definitely been wearing jeans…”

from Time Tub Travellers and the Silk Thief, Chapter 4


Meet Milo. He’s funny, loves snacks and absolutely hates snakes.

“Milo looked alarmed. “I didn’t do anything! Why is it broken? How will we get home if it’s broken? Do we need to find another time machine? Why would there be another time machine….” he took another large gulp of lemonade and tried to slow his breathing.”

from Time Tub Travellers and the Silk Thief, Chapter 4

Golden (Tub) Rules of Time Travel

1. Always time travel with a friend.

2. Always remember where you’ve left your time machine.

3. Get to know the locals.

4. Travel incognito (don’t tell anyone you’re from the future).

5. Bring loo roll.

6. Always thoroughly research the time period you’re going to (or you’ll be winging it).

7. Never leave a friend behind.

8. Don’t change the course of history.

9. Bring snacks.

10. Have fun!